What Makes Twitter Unique
What Makes Twitter Unique (Part I)
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites aside Facebook. People probably know what Twitter is (maybe some of them doesn't know it). You're going to send and read short 140-character message called 'tweets'. The site also serves as news and information gateway all over the world. Aside from tweeting, there are lots of features you need to discover. Explore yourself.
My Twitter page |
I have a twitter account too (follow:
@IanLavesores). Don't forget to follow me.
At first, I got curious what was Twitter all about. 'Is it same as Facebook? What matters do I care for this?' At that time back in 2009, I heard everywhere the name "Twitter". I always heard people asking to follow their accounts. I asked, "Why do people matter for this? What is Twitter? Why is it so popular?" Sometimes your curiosity drives you all the way. One day, I asked my friend. (Yes, no kidding! I really asked this one. Don't against me.) I asked what are her thoughts about Twitter? She said that Twitter is same as Facebook but the main difference is you're going send a status or message in limited characters. She was aware but she doesn't have an account. She said it was like a journal or a blog that keeps updated all the times. 'Ahh.. okay', on my thoughts. From then on, the fire of curiosity started by creating your account first. It was just an ordinary yet simple environment and explored features on the website. It was the time that the "retweet" feature was introduced. At first, ah okay that was really looked like. Simply status what you are doing right now. If you do dishes, then tweet you do dishes. If you are watching a show, then tweet about it. It was crazy that you should tweet from time to time. People may be, "What do I care about!?" Did you really get my point? For me, yes! Why should they care about my tweets?! It was day by day and months of tweeting and that habit was faded in the next months until you don't tweet at all. Maybe I'm tired or find unexciting. I think it's enough for a long time of tweeting and I had to abandon it for a year. Until such time when you miss your tweeting habit just like you’re missing someone. So I decided to go back to Twitter. 'Welcome back!' I was a newbie again because it seems like a new environment to me. New and improved features from ‘tailored’ trends based on your browsing history to improved performance. In every feature fitted for the convenience for every user. So I’m fond with Twitter.
Posting of a short message serves as a new way of expression. It is called microblogging. It’s a form of journal or blogging which limits into a short form. It is a trend in the social world. In Twitter, users can tweet up to 140 characters and it cannot exceed. Another thing is they can tweet with hashtags which means tagging a word or group of words by prefixing “#” sign. It serves as a general topic or subject on every tweet sent. When you clicked the hashtagged word, it will come out all the tweets with same hashtagged word. That’s what makes the Twitter unique. For example, when you want to tweet something like you’re happy for doing a great job like your work today, you may tweet like this
“Job Well Done! I’m so grateful for this day! #GreatJob” So… where’s the hashtagged word from that phrase? It’s a #GreatJob word – a hashtagged word.
(Note: This is a locating exercise.) When you clicked that #GreatJob (read: hashtag great job) tag, it will come out like this:
See? It will give us relevant results based on that hashtagged word.
You can also search the hashtag at the search box found at the top right corner.
Aside from hashtag, there are lots of features and uses on Twitter. I will post some of it later. This topic covers my experiences and the hashtag feature.
Hashtag – this is one of the things that makes Twitter unique.